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How we can Help You How Deal Finders Works
Tuesday September 25th, 2007
Deal Finders is designed for Realtors, Investors and Homebuyers
- Find ONLY the best properties at below-market pricing!
- Only the deals ranging from 15% to 30% or more below market are reported.
- Your report contains a color-coded chart of properties so you can instantly identify the best deals of the day.
- Click on the "Latest Property Report" Link on the left side of the screen to see the most recent public access property report.
- Click on the "Subscribe" Link on the left side of the screen to see more information on the Free and Paid subscription benefits.
- Deal Finders was designed by real estate agents for investors and clients, to find the best deals on the market.
- Deal Finders is ideal for anyone looking for the best possible deals in real estate today.
- Deal Finders can advise you in negotiations to further lower your purchase price; and we can assist in structuring your deal to make it happen!
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